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AAC Info


Starters: Open to dogs that have not earned an ADC title 

Advanced: Open to dogs that have earned an ADC. 

Masters: Open to dogs that have earned an AADC title. 

Regular: Dogs will jump standard heights and course times as set by AAC rules. The Regular Mini division includes the 8” jump height only. The Regular Medium division includes the 12” and 16” jump heights, and the Open division includes the 20” and 24” jump heights. For additional information refer to Sec of the AAC Rulebook. 

Specials: Open to all dogs. Course times and jump heights will be as per AAC rules. The Special Mini division includes the 4” jump height only, the Special Medium division incorporates the 8” and 12” jump heights and the Special Open division includes the 16” and 20” jump heights. For additional information refer to Sec of the AAC Rulebook. 

Veterans: The Veteran category is for dogs 7 years of age or older. This category is also open to dogs 5 years of age or older who have been competing in the Specials category for a minimum of 12 months immediately preceding the move to the Veteran category. Dogs are not required to move to the Veteran category when they reach the specified age. 

Single Drop Veterans (one height lower than the lowest of the two Regular jump height options). These divisions are the same as the Specials divisions, i.e. the Vet Mini division includes the 4” jump height only, the single drop Vet Medium division comprises the 8” and 12” jump heights and the single drop Vet Open division includes the 16” and 20” jump heights. For additional information refer to Sec of the AAC Rulebook. 

Double Drop Veterans (two heights lower than the lowest of the two Regular jump height options). Note: The Double Drop (DD) Veteran Medium division includes the 4” and 8” jump heights, the DD Veteran Open division includes the 12” and 16” jump height. There is no Double Drop Veteran Mini division. 

FEO: For Exhibition Only. Competitors are offered the option to enter classes “for exhibition only”. 

FEO entries are not eligible to “Q” nor are they eligible for placements. FEO entries will not be judged. FEO participants must have an AAC number in order to enter. You are allowed to use toys at our trials in the FEO classes; the toy must be in good repair (i.e. no stuffing or fur leaking out). Audible toys, training aids and food-containing toys are not permitted. Handlers may interact with their dog using the toy (tugging/playing), but handlers are not permitted to throw the toy on course. 

Accessibility Option. Senior handlers (65 years and over) and handlers needing an accessibility option may request a modified course time and a modified points requirement (see AAC Rulebook section details). Proof of accessibility issue or age will not be requested by the host club. A handler must indicate on the entry form if entering as an Accessibility Option handler (check AO box) to receive modified times/reduced number of points. 


· Junior Handlers must have their own AAC Junior Handler ID. -> 

· A handler entered in the junior class may not compete in regular classes (including games) at the same AAC trial. 

· Entry Fee: $8.00 per class 



· It is the responsibility of the Junior Handler / Guardian to be aware of the AAC rules pertaining to the Junior Handler Program. 




Exhibitors, through submission of entry, acknowledge that they are knowledgeable of current AAC rules and regulations including, but not limited to, the following: 

This event will be held in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Agility Association of Canada (AAC). The obstacles shall be chosen from those described in the current edition of the AAC Official Rules and Regulations and shall conform to AAC specifications. 

All breeds and mixed breeds eighteen months of age and older (no exceptions) are eligible to compete. Blind, lame, or aggressive dogs are ineligible as are bitches in season, or dogs suffering from any deformity, injury, or illness that may affect the dog’s physical or mental performance (judge’s discretion). 

All dogs must have an AAC Registration Number before their entries will be accepted in an AAC sanctioned trial, even if to compete FEO. The registration form is available at, Dogs with numbers pending will not be eligible to compete. 

Dogs are allowed to wear a close-fitting collar, with no attachments, in the ring. 

No toys, food, or other training devices shall be allowed in the ring, except for FEO where toys are allowed. 

All dogs must be under control (ie. penned, crated, or leashed) when not in the ring. Please take responsibility for your dogs and children. Any exhibitor whose dogs or children create unnecessary disturbances or engage in unsafe or disruptive behaviour may be asked by the Trial Committee to leave the trial site. There will be no refunds for entries if the dog or handler is dismissed from the competition for any reason. 

All dogs must be crated or on leash when not in the ring. All dogs must be under control when exiting the ring. Any dog engaging in aggressive or out of control behaviour upon exit of the ring may be disqualified and/or required to leave the show site 

and NO REFUND of shall be given. On leash exception: we offer a large off leash field for dogs that are under control and can safely be off leash. 

Exhibitors MUST keep crate and exercise area clean. Please clean up after yourselves and your dog. Anyone who does not clean up after themselves or their dogs may be required to leave the show site and no refund will be given. 

There will be no refunds after the closing date, except for bitches in season (June trial only) or injured dogs, and only providing the trial secretary in informed prior to the trial date and a certificate from a veterinarian is provided. 

We reserve the right to refuse any entry. Anyone not in good standing with the AAC or Peck Meadow DogSport Field will not be permitted entry to the trial. 

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